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This teaching tool conquers fear and adds confidence while learning the various jumps.
Comprises 4 sections which can be stacked to create different heights and angles, including regulatory heights.
Supplied with stabilising rails.

- Available heights at regulatory angles: 1.05 / 1.15 / 1.25 / 1.35 m.
- Heights at teaching angles: 0.85 / 0.95 / 1.05 / 1.15 m.
- Overall dim. = 135 x 95 cm (Lxw).

Comprising 4 stackable components:
A/ Top module: 95 x 85 cm (Lxh)
B/ Triangle module: 95 x 12/55 cm (Lxh)
C/ Rectangle module: 95 x 10 cm (Lxh)
D/ Rectangle module: 95 x 20 cm (Lxh).

GYMNOVA - Foam Vaulting Table

SKU: 3472
3 458,99C$Price
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